Craving A Little Organization

Six years ago, when we moved into our home, I had my husband install this beautiful floor to ceiling shelving unit for my son's room.  The whole purpose of this unit was to keep everything nice, tighty and dare I say it, organized.  Well, it worked great for about 4 years (while my guy was still small).  Can you see where I'm heading with this?  Well, now it looks more like this (see pic directly below), YIKES!

Well, now that school is back in session, I decided now was the time to tackle this disarranged mess!

I started by completely gutting the closet.  Next, I went through all clothing.  I bagged up all out grown articles, plus any unused toys.  I took these bags directly out to the car, that way they could be dropped off at our local Goodwill ASAP.   I then started arranging clothing and toys.  I found these adorable containers (below) at the Dollar Tree; they were perfect for housing my son's small cars and action figures.  I also want to mention the wonderful chalkboard stickers/labels, I found at Michael's Craft Store; they're perfect for keeping those boxes/containers organized (one can dream, right).  

And, Viola!  One organized closet, well, at least for a couple weeks (smiles. . . or do I mean frowns).

Now, on to this mess, ugh!  How does this happen?  Who keeps buying this stuff?

* * * * *

How do you keep your children's spaces organized?  I would love to know what works;)

Thanks for stopping by!


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My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
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  1. I'm sorry Jodie, we are empty nesters, however I can tell you from experience, it was a never ending chore with those boys! Hang in there, one day you may win! lol. Hope you and family have a prosperous 2012!
    All The best,

    1. Loretta, Thank you for the encouragement! I definitely have a long road ahead me, especially with one little girl that can make a mess for three. Did I mention she never picks up, ugh! Wishing you a wonderful 2012 as well!


  2. When my boys were young we used to do "10 thing pick-up" and pick up 10 things and put them away. If you do this several times the job eventually gets done and I thought it was more manageable having small goals. If I showed you a photo of my son's room while he's home from college you'd know that the road ahead is looooong. ~Roberta

    1. Roberta, Thank you so much for stopping by! "10 Thing Pick-Up" sounds like a great idea! I'll definitely give it a try! I'll let you know how it goes! Have a great week!


  3. We just reorganized my son's toy closet. I finally found a solution for the extra lego pieces to keep them organized...I bought a multi tray screw cabinet from Home Depot. Perfect. Thanks for sharing your organization at DIYbyDesign.

    1. The multi tray screw cabinet is GENIUS! My son's legos are so unorganized (and, did I mention everywhere). I think, I'll make a special trip to Home Depot over the weekend. Thanks again for stopping by and thanks for the great advice. Have a wonderful week!


  4. I had to laugh when I saw the closet. Girl, we are all in the same boat! I love baskets to keep things in. They are labeled and make it easy to keep things looking nice and neat! I joined your blog and thank you so much for stopping by mine so that I could find you :)

  5. BJ, I'm so happy you stopped by! Organization is a never ending task, isn't it? Especially with small children. The funny thing is my son isn't even the messy one, its my daughter! Man, I'm in for it (smiles). Have a great week!


  6. Oh boy I have the same problem. I try so hard to keep it neat. Having three boys it's not going to happen. :-)



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